Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Telangana State Contract Employees Continuation Order

Personnel hired on Contract / Outsourcing in various Government Departments - Further continuation of services – Orders - Issued.
G.O. Ms. No. 13, Dated:01.07.2014.
Read the following
1. G.O.Rt.No.4271, Finance (SMPC) Dept, dt:01.01.2008.
2. Cir. Memo No. 9522-A/417/A1/SMPC.II/13 dated 13.9.2013
3. A.P. Reorganisation Act 2014 (Act 6 of 2014).
4. G.O.Ms.No.84, Finance (SMPC.II) Dept., dt:17.4.2014.
5. G.O.Ms.No.248, G.A. (SR) Dept., dt:01.06.2014.
6. G.O.Ms.No.250, G.A. (SR) Dept., dt:01.06.2014.
1.     Government have been according permission to various departments to hire services of individuals on contract/ outsourcing basis for limited periods to meet the short -term manpower requirements in their establishments. Detailed instructions were issued in the G.O. first read above laying down certain norms and conditions in this regard.
2.     In the G.O., fourth read above, the services of those persons working on contract/outsourced basis as on March 31, 2014, with the prior approval of the Finance Department, were extended upto June 30, 2014. In the reference fifth and sixth read above, the General Administration (SR) Department has issued orders for provisional apportionment of personnel working on contract/outsourcing basis between the successor States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
3.     Pursuant to the enactment of the Andhra Pradesh Re-organisation Act, 2014, State of Telangana has come into existence on the Appointed Day, June 02, 2014.
4.     Government after careful examination have decided and hereby order that the services of those persons working on Contract/Outsourcing basis on June 02, 2014, with the prior approval of the Finance Department, who are covered by the orders in the references 4th 5th & 6th read above and are assigned to the State of Telangana in terms thereof, be extended until further orders or till the actual need ceases, whichever is earlier, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the reference fourth read above.
5.     These orders are applicable only to those persons directly contracted by the Government Departments and persons whose services have been procured from third party, with the prior concurrence of the Finance Department currently serving the field offices located in Villages, Urban Local Bodies, Mandals, Divisions, Districts, Zonal and Multi-Zonal Offices etc., in the territories that constitute the State of Telangana and those working in the Secretariat Departments, Heads of Department, State Level Offices if any, where services of such persons have been apportioned and provisionally allocated to the successor State of Telangana as per the G.O’s fifth & sixth read above.
6.     In addition to the conditions mentioned in G.O. fourth read above, the Departments concerned shall ensure fulfilment of the conditions stipulated below in respect of contractual services:
i)                 The contract with the individual employees or with the Manpower Agencies shall not be treated as continuing from the past but as new contractual arrangement for a limited duration.
ii)               The Departments shall not issue a generic order of contract and shall refer to the arrangement as contracting services for specific duration with specific terms of reference.
iii)             The Departments shall define specific Terms-of-Reference (TOR), supervision system, performance management system, terms and conditions of contract and monitor fulfilment of these conditions.
7.     Based on these orders the Secretariat Departments shall dispose off requests for continuation of contract/outsourcing services relating to HODs under their control without referring the files to Finance Department. After obtaining the approval of the Administrative department for further continuance of contract / outsourcing personnel, the HODs shall enter into fresh agreements for contracting/outsourcing of services for specific duration with specific TOR from time to time. The agreement duration, however, shall not exceed one year.
8.     All the Departments of Secretariat and all Heads of Department are requested to take further necessary action accordingly.
9.     These orders are available in the website
All the Secretariat Departments.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Telangana Hyderabad.
The Director of Works Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad
All Heads of Department/ All District Collectors
The Prl. A.G., Telangana, Hyderabad
The GA (SU.IV) Department


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